Category: Daily

Week 5 Day 1

No class today.

But, turn in your résumé and portfolio before Wednesday. Do that here.

Week 4 Day 2

Today in class, we are:

Having a presentation from previous internship students

Checking in on resumé and portfolio materials

For next time:

Have your finished, done, ready to send out resumé and portfolio.

Week 3 Day 1/2

Today in class, we are:

Talking about Cover Letters

Looking at initial portfolios

Turning in resumés

For next time:

Continue working on resumé, cover letter, portfolio, etc.

Look for possible internships. Check Handshake. Look at design studios around town. Look at the list of previous internship sites.

Week 2 Day 2

Today in class, we are:

Talking about portfolio platforms

Talking more about portfolios

Turning in initial resumé designs

For next class

Start working on your chosen portfolio platform—see how far you can get

Bring in a designed, printed resumé + digital files

Week 2 Day 1

Today in class, we are:

Talking about portfolios.

Talking about possible portfolio sites.

Talking about the resumé readings.

Looking at resumé text.

For next time:

Start designing resumé

Investigate and choose a portfolio platform

Week 1 Day 2

Today in class:

Katie Krikorian will be going over Handshake and internship reporting requirements

You should turn in your resumé text here.

For next time:

Bring in a list of 5-10 pieces you’d want to include in a portfolio. Gather your files for that work.

Day 1

In our first day in Internship, we will:


For next time:

  1. Read about writing resumés
  2. Bring in text for your own resumé.
    This doesn’t need to be designed, but it should be your full resumé of text. Bring in printed, plus a digital copy to turn in.